Monday, September 9, 2013

Chatsworth Part 1

Yesterday I teased you all with that one shot of Chatsworth so by now I'm sure you're dying to see  inside.  Chatsworth has been on my To Do list forever because the youngest Mitford sister, Deborah, was the 11th Duchess of Devonshire.  I thought that she was still running the show there, but at 93 years of age it seems that the next generation has taken over and the 12th Duke and his wife are now running the estate.  Anything connected with the Mitfords is always a draw for me but the house and grounds were absolutely magnificent (and I am not using that word lightly).  I used the entire camera battery taking pictures so I'll try to pick out the most interesting shots for you.

How would you like this to be your entry way?
 One of the reasons I loved this house was because it wasn't just a museum of the way things were.  The family does still live here (although not in any of the rooms the public sees, obviously) and they still are adding artwork and keeping the house alive.   This was a really interesting electric portrait that changes colors.  Supposedly it's never the same color combinations twice although I don't see how that is possible.  Maybe no one can wait long enough to test it.  I only had to wait about 45 seconds to get these two shots.

I liked these bronze dogs in the courtyard - they look like they are ready to play.

One of the prior Duchesses was really into geology and there were cabinets of stones and geodes.  But it was sort of strange to see a giant geode in this hall way under an old oil painting.
In the chapel they had a Damien Hurst statue of a man skinned alive with his empty skin draped over his arm.  It symbolized something religious but I just thought it was cool.

 In the music room there was a tromp l'oil of a second door with a violin hanging on it.  Even in this photo it looks like a real violin, doesn't it?
 Room of plates - I love plates.
 Bedrooms....with a bathtub closet. Gotta get me one o' those....

 Petey really liked this bedroom.  She looks good in green. (this is what happens when the docent turns her back)
But this was my favorite....The Library!!  

If this room were in my house I would never leave it.

Tomorrow we'll go outside and check out the grounds.


Jana said...

I couldn't wait to see if you had some inside pictures to share, and wow did you! I think a day to enjoy the amenities of each room would be sufficient. Plus a long soak in the tub.

Amie said...

What an amazing place! You must get a closet tub...

Unknown said...

So gorgeous! And, I'm amazed they let you take pictures.....or, did they? :)

Jennifer said...

Yes - there was a sign at the front desk encouraging photography. Chatsworth knows how to make me happy.