Thursday, September 12, 2013

Eagle Woman, Woody & Soon Yi and a bloody old man

This blurry picture is of me and the Eagle Woman.  The Eagle Woman is the bartender at a local Windsor Pub.  She told us stories about how she spent a year in Alaska rescuing eagles.  It's been years since her eagle rescue year, but judging by how passionately she told her stories the Eagle Woman misses her eagles.

 This is Leah.  She is here from Connecticut to help with a work project.  She has never rescued eagles, but nonetheless is another interesting person who has come into our UK lives.  Leah lives in a posh part of Connecticut and once ate lunch sitting next to Woody and Soon Yi.  We agreed that the Woody Soon Yi  public sighting was a rarity.  It would almost rate as rare an occurrence as a Mitford sighting.
The woman behind the counter at the Christopher Wren Hotel we don't know yet, but we will.
 As stated in previous posts, I love the random interactions with new friends.  Most of the time these are fabulous little interludes in our day.  They make a big world small.

One such interlude was not as fabulous.  On the drive home through Slough we saw a guy on the side of the road, seemingly working on a fence.  Half his bum was hanging out of his pants and I made a half-moon joke.  Only when we passed we saw that the old guy had fallen and was bleeding.  We pulled over and Chris and I got out to help him.  I extended my hand to help him up and then realized he was pissed, totally legless drunk.  I couldn't pull him up alone so Chris took his other hand.  Chris ended up with a handful of the guys blood.  The homeowners came out and told us the ambulance had come by earlier but decided he was fine and left him there.  We propped him against the fence and after he thanked us we left.  I still feel a little sad about that interlude.

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