Thursday, September 26, 2013

Book Porn

Our last night of the mini-break was spent in a town I've been dying to go to for many years:  Hay-on-Wye also known as the Town of Books.  There are over two dozen second hand and antique book shops in Hay and my goal was to see every one of them.  And since I did NOT achieve my goal on this trip - we have to go back!!
I actually brought my Kindle with me on this trip.  When Bill left me at the cafe table eating lunch so that he could make his tee time I contemplated reading at the table...and thought better of it!

I love all the honesty boxes  - - there were several outside stalls with no attendants, just boxes to put your payment.  And on the flip side, the shops have many rare and antique books worth hundreds (probably thousands even) of pounds.  Obviously my tastes are somewhere in between.  And while I was excited to make a few purchases, just being in the shops with the thrill of the hunt was a total joy.  Who wouldn't want to spend hours in these rooms?

 I'm a sucker for a good book cover.  And while I know so many people who love the old Penguins, I'm weirdly attracted to cheesy pulp fiction covers.  Granted, I'm too much of a Lit Snob to read most of those pulpy novels but I love how they look.  Poker Face was begging to be on my shelf but I resisted.

Most of the shops had very cool signs - either victorian book scenes of something related to their specific genre.  I spent many hours in town but there were still stores I missed, covers I didn't see, beloved authors I didn't buy.  All of this joy is only three hours away from Eton.  I hope Bill liked his golfing because I am determined to go back.

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