Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Is that a burrito in your pocket...?

Our buddy Pam is back in London!  Last time we saw Pam we had a fabulous Saturday roaming Portobello and going to the outdoor movie in the winter at a posh restaurant with our own blankets and gourmet popcorn.  The pressure was on to find an event that would top that so we made a reservation at a Mexican restaurant in SoHo that is in the basement of a sex shop!
Here we are outside in front of the Adult Video sign.  Looks like the back of Pam's head is being licked by a neon tongue.
There is nothing on the exterior of the building to give you a clue that this is actually a restaurant.  Instead, the door says Private Dance Downstairs.  This is our sexy private dance look.  I think it's pretty clear we are here for the quesadillas.
Once in side we were greeted by this dominatrix.  I think Pam and I really blend in, don't you?

Once you get downstairs the restaurant is awesome.  Fabulous decor with comfy couches around old wooden tables, lots of candles and interesting knick knacks like the bell jar full of butterflies on the shelf above my head or the inside of a piano on its side used as a room divider.  And the food was excellent - Bill and I did the 8 course tasting menu which ended with berries covered in melted white chocolate.  Need I say more?  We settled right in and had a great night.

1 comment:

didi said...

You do love a good tasting menu!