Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Pleasures of Punting

My Fitbit gal pals have started a new weekly challenge.  This week's challenge was to do something new outside. 
So this is me -  punting.  Yup, for a mere 20 pounds we can risk our lives in the brackish water of the Thames in Oxford.
 As you can see, I was a little nervous.  It's very wobbly on that little deck and the pole is heavy!
 This is the look on my face when I saw the incoming traffic.
 Somehow we managed to pass each other with just a little tap and no one got wet.
I even enjoyed myself for a few minutes!
Low bridge!
 Even lower branch!
Once I was sitting down I decided to paddle for a bit.  It felt safer.
 And then, a little rest....
 ...while Bill takes over the punting.
While we did make it back dry, we actually got lost in the canals, went past the boat return dock via the wrong channel and wound up in a Thames ghetto.  There was a high stone wall on one side with barbed wire at the top and a grassy area on the other side with an unattended fire burning away.  A few girls came to the wall and took our picture but didn't respond when I yelled up to them "Where is the boat hire??" in a panicky voice.  Of course, all we had to do was turn around and go down the other canal but for a few brief moments I pictured us on the boat overnight huddling together for warmth and floating deeper into the bowels of Oxford.