Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Bill's WAGs at the SoHo Lit Fest

Denise's visit just happened to coincide with the SoHo Literary Festival.  We couldn't pass up the opportunity to go to an author event so we left Bill in the park and bought tickets to see WAGs of the Third Reich (that's Wives And Girlfriends for those of you outside the UK).  For 9 GBPs we got to listen to three historical fiction authors talk about their WWII books moderated by Anne Sebba (who wrote the Wallis Simpson bio I read earlier this year).
 Below are Rachel Johnson, Anne, Meike Ziervogle and Jane Thynne - - the conversation was lively although still no match for Denise's jet lag.  After the event I did get a few books signed and Denise worked the authors like a promoter, trying to interest them in the Nbpt lit fest.  Unfortunately their books are not published in the US (which I found very surprising since the Yanks love WWII historical fiction).
Denise could only stay the weekend so this is her taxi headed to the airport.  I'm in the doorway waving goodbye and snapping a picture for the blog.

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