Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Foggy Day in Tenby Wales

I never seem to learn that when we go on a long drive in England we should always add at least an hour on to the time it would take to drive there if we had the roads to ourselves.  We definitely did not have the roads to ourselves this morning.  Instead we were in bumper to bumper traffic going over the one very long bridge to get to South Wales.   The scenery in Wales was a strange dichotomy of industrial parks and sheep speckled fields.  After a long haul we finally made it to Tenby.  Beautiful!

Even foggy there is no denying the picturesque setting.  There are ancient city walls, painted buildings, seaside beaches and lots of narrow streets of shops and pubs.  This will be our base for the next couple days with better weather on the way!

Bonus pictures!
Here is Jen as a lobster.
Here is Jen frolicking on the beach.

Here is Jen looking gorgeous as we head back from dinner.

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