Monday, September 16, 2013

People watching in Oxford

Editor's Note: We posted very late yesterday due to spotty internet service in the Cotswolds so if you didn't see that post be sure to go back and look.  We wouldn't want you to miss one! :-)

While Jen was scoring another book bag I was outside taking pictures of Oxford people.
I love seeing big guys on bikes.  I know it's wrong but I always think that they have lost their drivers license and now have to ride bikes while their DUI runs its course.  Considering how I've been busted violating the Brits driving speed limits (oooo, 35 in a 30 mile an hour zone.  I'm another Al Capone), I'll be biking around the UK soon enough.
The Oxford elite filled the city in their morning coats.  These upper echelons are destined for greatness. Jen and I had a debate about those who have gone from the presigious Eton College to the more prestigious Oxford University.  I told her I don't think anyone who has taken that path has selected a career as a starving artist.  Jen disagreed.
How can someone make it through the selection process for two of the most difficult places to receive an education and then decide to toil on their failed novel for a career?  Or decide to sketch pastels of tourists in High Wycome at their version of the mall?
"No mother, I am not working on my Science Fiction novel.  I promise I will become rich in order to justify your shelling out hundreds of thousands of pounds on the education of an illuminati."
The Oxford Ninja were out in force.  I watched this dude for a while to see that he wasn't going to karate chop an Oxford dude for sport.
Ebenezer Scrooge out for a stroll.
Ebenezer Scrooges brother out for a stroll.
I liked this dudes duds.  Good look.  If I lose 5 stone I'd wear this look.
This is the happiest guy I've ever seen get a parking ticket.  This also reinforced my belief that the UK is as bad as California at targeting their citizens with bullshit traffic violations to squeeze revenue out of the same people who drive the economy.  (See complaint above about my 35 in a 30 mile zone travesty)
This dude is genuinely pissed to have his picture taken.  I pissed off a few Oxfordians this weekend.  I cut off a couple of drivers with last minute lane changes, which was far worse than my 35 in the 30 crime.  I even exchanged f-bombs with one guy.  Even the Oxford bluestockings have some road rage, apparently.
A couple of pictures for Fletch.  One of the best Hen Night outfits I've seen so far.  Love the Brits.

You're welcome, Fletch.

1 comment:

Fletch said...

Thank you. Love the scarf.