Friday, September 6, 2013

Two Visits to the Two Brewers

I visited The Two Brewers two days this week.  On Tuesday I hooked up with Tim and Wednesday Jen and I met Chris.  On Wednesday I embarrassed myself by asking the tall blonde waitress more about her graphic design schooling that she told me about on Tuesday.  Only it was a different tall blonde waitress.  Jen has begun to fluff the suffocation pillow we've agreed to use on the first one of us who loses his mind (think Chief-Nicholson ... One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
Jennie and Chris know how to pose
The Two Brewers is our favourite Windsor pub and possibly our favorite of all time.  It's just the perfect little old English pub, next to the castle.  For some reason only locals seem to frequent here.  Tourists seem to know to stay away.  (We're the locals in this story, not tourists, in case you hadn't picked that up)
My buddy Tim.  Tim is one of those rare blokes who makes you want to be a better person.  He's always positive, funny and a do-gooder.  He doesn't give the homeless guy on the street a few quid.  He buys them lunch.  He's a top man, as they say here.
Saw some swans on the way home.... only blotch in an otherwise lovely evening.

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