Thursday, September 19, 2013

Wish him a Happy Birthday. Or else .....

Happy Birthday Fletch.  You miserable, sarcastic wretch of a man.  We love you.
Fletch would have made a great viking.  He would mete out justice with a swift chop of his trusty axe.  Sales reps who try to fluff their pipeline with fake deals .... chop.  Off with their hand.
Finance team members who slow down the booking of his deal with minuscule details like having the wrong signature would learn a quick and harsh lesson.  Chop.  Off with their heads.  From then on his deals would fly through order processing unquestioned.

Fletch is a huge fan of Vlad the Impaler.

 Fletch thinks Attila the Hun, while on the right track, was basically a sissy.

You were born in the wrong era, Fletch the Barbarian.

1 comment:

Fletch the destroyer said...

Finally a blog post I can get behind. Thank you for remembering my special day. I kind of think of myself as a kinder, gentler cross between the Drill Sargent in "Full Metal Jacket" and the Alec Baldwin character in "Glengarry Glenross". Thank goodness I have a highly skilled HR professional like Bill to gently remind me that it's not OK to bring a firearm and ballistic vest into the office when I feel threatened by my employees. Where would I be without you...