Saturday, August 31, 2013

What a Difference a Year Makes!!

A year ago the title of my post was "It's 1:30 AM in you know where my husband is?"  Bill was out 'til the wee hours with Anthony and Michael, having his hat stolen and getting into who-knows-what trouble.  I was in Newburyport whinging to anyone who would listen about how I was waiting for my visa and I'd never get to England etc etc etc.  Just a few days later - I was here!

It's hard to believe it's been a year.  What an amazing adventure this is!  And hasn't our blog gotten more interesting?  (OK, this week was slow but let me remind you all about the "sink series"....yup,  more interesting!!)

It wouldn't be half as much fun to do this without you - our 7 readers.  So thank you for sticking with us through the dull days and the silly posts.


chi said...

awwww!!! missing you madly but so so so enjoy the blog --- my morning ritual!!! Enjoy your "anniversary"!

Team Strunkin said...

So proud to be one of your 7 readers! Keep up the good work!