Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Last Jen Day...for now

Bill came home early this morning but I still had one more present saved for tonight.  First we did what we do every Friday night.  We tried to get a seat at the Two Brewers.  9 out of 10 times the place is overflowing and every seat is taken but tonight we found an outside bench and the weather was perfect for dining al fresco.  They serve tapas on Friday nights so we had the charcuterie board, sausages with a spiced fruit chutney, scallops and a spanish tortilla with a couple of pints to wash it down.
 I went to the loo before we left and this is the picture that Bill took of me looking for him when I came out.  This shows you what the crowd looks like - it's a locals hang out and most people outside are just drinking a beer and chatting on the street.  There were several dogs so I'm surprised that none of them made it into this photo.  One in particular was the sweetest thing who just wanted to sit at our feet and get patted for hours.  We obliged as long as we could and then she wandered over to the next table.  I think every pub should make sure the have a dog around to pat at all times.  Maybe next time I'll bring Simon?
When we got home it was time to open the last present.  There is something very sad about the phrase "last present", don't you think?  Should there ever really be a last present?  I say no!!
Anyway, it was a good one...
 "The Authentic Edition" of Martin Chuzzelwit by Charles Dickens with illustrations by Phiz!!  I love that!  Who the hell is Phiz?  He does good work but he sounds like a frat boy.  Did Chuck and Phiz do a belly bump when the book was published?  The edition doesn't have a date but it's dead old.  I have to say that although I see the benefits of the kindle, there is nothing like an old book.  Well done, Bill!! Feel free to keep it going another week  :-)


chi said...

dogs? new rule on the blog - no mentioning of dogs (live dogs that is - there is a complete ban on dead dogs - both images and text) without pictures to prove...

didi said...

why no mention of dogs, christin? does ichi get jealous?