Sunday, June 23, 2013

We are one with the Scots

 Catching up after being without internet service last night.  It was our first night in Scotland and we made it to Ardgour.  It's a gorgeous Scottish town on the western part of the country.  You have to take a ferry to get there "quickly" or you can drive 40 miles around the mountains.

During cigar time last night around midnight I got talking to some locals.  A few fun facts I found out:
* We stayed at the only place with a pub for 14 miles.  If you get banned from the pub, which some locals have been, you're screwed.
* There are really only two places to work.  The hotel or the fish farm.  The fish farm is the salmon farm that sits right outside the hotel.
* The cook from the hotel pub grew up here, moved to Bristol for 13 years but came back because he loves Western Scotland.  That said, he's angry because the owners of the hotel will not let him cook anything besides the traditional haggis, venison Scottish meals.  He's decided he will leave during the winter and live in Thailand on his own as a beach bum
* There is a czech girl who waits on tables.  She's 22 and came here to go to school.  She is one of only a couple of females.  She is dating Ben, the 21 year old virgin of Ardgour.  Ben is very shy, I was told. The Czech girl is wordily, I'm told.  Either Ben will get the education of his young life or he will blow it with the Czech girl, so says the chef, who seemed far to involved in their relationship.  I think the chef has a crush on the Czech girl.  Which makes sense since there are not other girls on this semi-island
* One guy, couldn't understand when he said his name, works his father's farm.  Chases sheep around and shoots deer.  He told some cool stories about climbing the mountain to chase a wayward sheep and being helicoptered in to shoot deer.  We agreed that he and I would not do well exchanging jobs.

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