Thursday, June 20, 2013

Scolded by Sedaris

I am obsessed with this blog.  I'm constantly thinking about what our next event will be - not because I want to keep Bill and I busy but because I want to keep you, dear Reader,  entertained.  When tickets went on sale to see David Sedaris at Foyles bookstore I jumped at the chance.  I got there 45 minutes early to get a good seat with an unobstructed view because I wanted to share the moment with you.  I lifted my camera phone and zoomed in, wanting to show you his facial expressions and his funky glasses.

And then, he looked directly at me and told me NOT TO TAKE PHOTOS OR VIDEOS!  He said it nicely - he wasn't a jerk about it  - but, of course, I wanted to die.  There had been no announcements and I was not the only person taking pictures but I was the one directly in his line of sight so I was the example.  

Enjoy this photo - I took it for you!!!


didi said...

I'm impressed you still snapped a photo despite being scolded. Thank you for caring about us, your readers.

Kats said...

That's a good picture, too, well worth getting bollocked for by the Meister himself, I say! :-)
I'm so keen to listen to him live, following my many enjoyable hours with him recently on audio, so I just spent what feels like half a day researching his European schedule.... looks as though he will be in Zurich on September 21st! CAN. NOT.WAIT. Obviously, I'll bring my camera!! LOL

Jennifer said...

Kats, you can use your Russian spy skills to get a shot without being reprimanded!! :-)