Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sunday Night at the Circus

Sunday night in London - we started with dinner at the top of the OXO tower.  The weather was nice enough to sit outside so this was our view.  Not bad, huh?   Bill and I wondered if we could make our fortune  renting cranes in London.   Everywhere you look there are cranes in the air.  Could we get in on that action?
 We had an early dinner because we had to get down to the big tent on the South Bank.  We weren't supposed to take pictures so I'm not going to post the name of our show but it was a 90 minute acrobatic extravaganza.  One man could bend himself backwards and balance on one hand, another could do amazing things on the top of these steel poles, there was a sword swallowing woman, a fire eater, men on springy poles that bounced over our heads...all in a fairly small round tent that transformed a sunny night in London into a circus big top.  (Not that I would know since I never went to the circus as a mother said there was too much to look at and we were better off watching it on TV.  I'm sure this led to my fear of clowns due to lack of exposure.  Fortunately this event did not include clowns.)


chi said...

have you heard about the places that are serving dinner on platforms on cranes? you could start that in London!

chi said...

didi said...

But did they have anyone folding herself into a suitcase?

Jennifer said...

Chi - That crane thing looks crazy!! Where do you go to the bathroom?

Di - I forgot about that suitcase photo. I doubt I could do that anymore!!