Thursday, June 13, 2013

Special Delivery

I got a package today that included a little surprise.  My Booktopia/Fitbit friends and I are starting a postal book group and my first book was sent via Chris in VT (Hi Chris!!).  We were getting a little nervous because the package was taking its time getting to me.  When it arrived today it had a hole in the outer envelope and was resealed with plastic wrap.  So my little package had had an adventure!

Chris included a sweet treat for me - a gift wrapped rum caramel dark chocolate candy bar.  Either the drug sniffing dogs in customs had to make sure it wasn't contraband or else we have a very hungry mail man because there was a huge bite taken out of it - gift wrap and all!!! Something clearly bit right through the package to get at that chocolate bar.

 Perhaps its a requirement that if any candy is sent into the country Betty gets the first taste? Check out those teeth marks. 
Unfortunately I can't tell you what the book is because that's the fun of the group - I need to read it, write my thoughts in the accompanying notebook,  and pass it on to Kats in Switzerland (Hi Kats!).  Chris will then send me the next book in the rotation.  Hopefully Betty will keep her teeth off the next one!

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