Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Me and My Old Man of Storr

At the risk of all our blog posts looking the same - here is some more Highland scenery.  It's beautiful but I have to admit that it's getting a bit hard to tell one area from another from the pictures.   Monday we spent the day driving the entire perimeter of Skye.

One mountain range that is easy to identify is the Storr because of this finger jutting up called the Old Man of Storr.   Not sure why this would be called an old man...maybe an old man on viagra?
We stopped in Portree and found an awesome bakery/cafe that did platters of venison salami, sausage,  and a variety of cheese as well as bread with goat cheese and spinach baked into the center to take away.  We had a spectacular view from our little hill and we used the stone map wall as a wind shield.  Best picnic ever.  

In case you were wondering - men really do wear kilts in Scotland.  I was not able to get a shot to find out what he had on under it.
I'm married to a bad boy....
 Someone at the bakery recommended this castle ruin and said, "They fenced it off but the thing's been there for hundreds of years and it will be fine for a hundred more..."  So of course we hopped the fence thinking that we were really cool.  We were practically sneaking around the first crumbling wall as if we didn't want to be seen when we realized that there were about 15 other people back there who all did the same thing.  We weren't so cool after all.

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