Monday, June 3, 2013

Back to the Drawing Board....

On Saturday Bill and I went to the Institute Francais to check out a comic festival.  The French call them Bande Desinee or BD for short and I guess they are very into the comic/graphic novel format.  Bill and I both like reading graphic novels and our favorite is Posey Simmonds - a British author/artist that Andrea introduced us to a few years ago with her updated graphic versions of classic novels Gemma Bovary and Tamara Drew.  So we were excited to find out that she was doing a live drawing event with a French author/artist, Etienne Davodeau,  this weekend.  

This is the lobby of the Institute's Cine Lumiere  - a fairly active buzz was going on and lots of book browsing and buying. 

The stage is set with a drafting table, lights and a camera to project what they draw on screen.
And here they are - ready to draw us a story...cue the romantic music because this is a love story....
Boy meets girl...
Boy dog meets girl dog....??
No - Boy dog meets man's knee...
Girl dog attacks to protect owner's knee...ends up in boy dog's mouth while boy and girl seem to not notice due to so many hearts in the way.  The end?  I have to say that the story fell apart a bit for me between the last panels (not all are shown here) but it was quite interesting to watch how quickly they could get these images on to paper.  A fun way to spend an hour on Saturday afternoon.


chi said...

so where is the girl dog at the end???

didi said...

I was going to ask the same thing, Christin!!!!

Jennifer said...

She was eaten by the boy dog! See the leash leading to his mouth and the satisfied smile? I figured that these doodles would not send Christin into shock but is the fate of this cartoon dog also NSFC??