Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Single Track Road

Today we drove for miles on the longest single track road in Scotland.  In most spots the road is barely wide enough for one car and there are little "passing places"  (this is the official name for them) where one car can pull over so that a car going in the opposite direction can go past.  If they can make the road wide enough for the passing places, why can't they just make the WHOLE road that wide??

Poor Bill had to do all the driving since the rental car is in his name.  I rode shot gun and added to his excitement by gasping when a car came close or pointing out spectacular views, saying "wow look at that!!" when it was impossible for Bill to take his eyes off the road.  I also took a bunch of pictures trying to capture his white knuckle experience. I don't think these quite show how treacherous it was.  The road was so twisty and hilly that we were constantly going around blind turns and over blind summits - you just didn't know if another car was coming until it was right there in front of you.
Here is a car coming towards us from around a corner - - to move aside we basically have some grass and then a sheer drop down to the water.

 Our destination was the ferry to the Isle of Mull.  Since we arrived in plenty of time we thought it best to reward our driver with a pint.  Yes, that is a wood fire in the fireplace of the pub - - it may be summer in the rest of the Northern Hemisphere but not in the Scottish Highlands.

1 comment:

didi said...

Bill looks like he needs another beer!