Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Art Car Boot Sale

On Sunday Bill and I went to the Art Car Boot Sale in London.  We went because we thought there was actual art there.  The exterior was suspicious and promising all at the same time.  The sale was in Shorditch on a side street in a walled off parking lot area behind a corrugated tin door way - so we couldn't see in to know exactly what was going on but we were cautiously optimistic by the enormous line that was leading up to the doorway.  Wow, so many people!  We must be at the event of the season!!

Then we went in. (5 GBPs each.)

There was the most bizarre assortment of crap imaginable. 

What is this??  A wax version of Andy Warhol as a voyeuristic child?
 This woman was selling "Mucky Poo" - - plastic dog poo that she kept moving around like a shell game on that fake grass covered box.  Were we supposed to guess which one was real?
 These are "Scocks" - aka Sock C*cks. Well, the artist kept insisting that they were NOT sock c*cks while urging us to squeeze them to release tension.  
 Slap dash portraits were on offer for 15 GBPs.  I think I could have whipped one of those up for half the price if given the chance.

At least there was royalty - the Pearly King and Queen of Newham was there....
 These people were having their picture taken with balloons in front of their faces.  There were multiple cameras on them including a video camera that looked like a news team.  This is news??  The only headline I can think of is "Hundreds fooled into wasting 5  pounds and an hour of their lives at crap art sale."
 There were looooong lines at some of the stalls to buy ugly slogan t-shirts.  Most artists worked with icons - I saw 4 versions of David Bowie in the first 30 seconds.  One stall was selling printed posters of emoticons.  Like you want to hang this   :-)  on your wall?  

Who needs balloons?  Our faces say it all - WTF?? 


didi said...

You two have interesting taste.
Celebrity poo - yes.
Mucky poo - no.
Shrunken heads - yes.
Balloon heads - no.
Posed squirrels - yes.
Posed Andy Warhol - no.

Jen and Bill said...

Ha!! Di, I think all of those contradictions make total sense :-)
Actually we were going with the intent of looking for actual art. Bill has bought a few paintings from unknown artists (all we can afford of course) in the East End and we thought this was going to be a show of similar work. To find instead emoticon t-shirts and scocks was quite the disappointment. We kept telling ourselves - at least this will make a good blog post!

didi said...

I like that you are discerning shoppers! Is Bill still working on my Flynnie painting, by the way? :)