Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sunday in the Park with Bill

Good weather and another day in London.  This time a little more free flowing than Saturday....
Mexican for lunch sitting outside on the side of the Thames at South Bank.

Then a nice walk to Soho to check out the flea market.  One stand was selling little meringues with cream and a raspberry. I was so glad I did not resist - it was DELICIOUS!!!  I wanted to go get 10 more but decided to try a control myself.  It was not easy.

Bill and both loved these pillows made from vintage silk scarves.  And since we couldn't agree, we had to get two.  (He wanted the 1970's orange floral and I fell in love with 1950's Paris!)
It seems a shame that I didn't end up on stage.  Here is my version of young Cosette from Les Mis.  (That is who this is a picture of, right??  I'd rather be Javier - he was much more orderly.)
We ended the day in Green Park.  We paid 1.50 GBP/hour for the privilege of a nap in these chairs.  We even came hime with little pink noses from the sun.  Despite appearances, Bill and I are not wearing matching shirts.  We are not dressing alike quite yet but you can start to worry if you see me in a bow tie...

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