Monday, June 24, 2013

Dinner in Plockton

We are in Kyle of Lochalsh in a beautiful guest house right on the water with mountains across the way.  The weather is constantly changing - one minute the sun will poke out and the next a dark cloud will roll over the mountain and drop it's rain....then the wind will blow it aside and the sun might peek out again....

We drove on a single track road over to Plockton for dinner.  The road was narrow and twisty and we kept ourselves ready to move over for any oncoming cars.  What we were not expecting to see were some hairy cows standing still in the middle of the road.  

I don't know the technical name for these beasts but everyone just seems to refer to them as hairy cows (even though the ones with horns must be bulls).  I was close enough to style that hair as Bill nudged past this one in the car.  Lucky for us these animals were pretty placid and didn't mind being gentley edged off the road by a Vauxhall.  

The babies were especially cute.  Can we keep him??
 It was a beautiful ride and this was waiting for us at the end.  

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