Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Women's Prize Shortlist Event in London

I was lucky enough to score a ticket to the Women's Prize shortlist event last night.  All six of the short listed authors read from their books and answered a few moderated questions about their work.  The line up was tremendous - Kate Atkinson, AM Homes, Barbara Kingsolver, Hilary Mantel, Maria Semple and Zadie Smith.  I didn't get as good a seat as I got for the Booker event last fall so the group shot really isn't clear enough to tell who is who in this picture - although from left to right they are in the order I listed above.  Kate Mosse is on the right end as the moderator.
  I love listening to Hilary Mantel read her Thomas Cromwell books - and since she's been up for every award this year I've heard her a few times.  Tudor England sounds even more interesting when I hear her say it than in my head.  Zadie Smith was another incredible reader, juggling five different "London" accents to bring her story to life on the stage.  I've read three of the nominated books and after these readings I'm really excited to read Smith and AM Holmes. 
 I haven't read Homes's nominated book but I now have it on the nightstand pile ready to go.  Bill and I both really liked her book MUSIC FOR TORCHING and based on the reading I'd say this one has a similar dark sensibility.

Meanwhile, Kate Atkinson is my guess for the winner - I just finished LIFE AFTER LIFE and can't stop raving about it.  If you are reading this blog and you haven't read it, go now and get it!  Of course I also love her Jackson Brodie stories and just finished the second BBC adaptation on TV.  They use the building where Bill and I got married in Edinburgh as his office.  The bright blue door across the street was the sight of many of our wedding photos.
 This must be Hilary's third appearance on this blog.  And probably not her last since I'm sure the next Cromwell installment will make the prize circuit as well.  I just hope she hurries up and finishes it while I'm here....
 Maria Semple was probably the least known of the bunch and probably the underdog of the race.  I couldn't help but feel sorry about how they arranged the signings because while Zadie was swamped, Maria was passed over by several folks and had to sit smiling, waiting for someone (me!!) to come along with a book.
This was the best shot I got of Kingsolver.  Someone kept getting in the way each time.  This is the only book that didn't interest me up front and the reading didn't sway me.  I have to admit, I saw the word Appalachian in the description and put the book back on the shelf.  Just not in the mood for Appalachia right now... 
 I think Zadie Smith is going to be my new "discovery" - not that I wasn't well aware of her before but I still haven't read her.  She was incredibly conversational at the signing when you consider the scores of people waiting behind me. Although she did ask me if I found Windsor boring (which I didn't...until she pointed it out.  I replied that I loved my neighbor - the Queen.)
Who will win??  The judges supposedly are deciding as I type this Tuesday night!!  It will be announced on Wednesday, probably after I post so maybe I'll have to add a little PS at the end with the winner.  Will Hilary make a clean sweep of every award on Earth this year?  Will Kate's fabulous time twisting blitz book come out ahead?  Or will the throngs of people waiting for Zadie (and she clearly had the biggest crowd) indicate a winner??  Cast your votes below.

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