Monday, June 17, 2013


Hard to believe it but there was still a market in London that we haven't explored.  Bermondsey Food Market has been described as an up and coming Borough Market (remember Borough from last weekend?  Great food...cured meat, cheese and our favourite salty caramel ice cream).

After walking a few blocks out of the underground we got a little worried.  There was no sign of activity and we thought we were in for a dud.
But then, down an alley behind some warehouses - 
a hidden gem that started us on a top rated London day.
Very windy.  Soon to be very rainy.

Jen loves cheese.  I feel we should have a giant table of cheese at home.  Not as food - as an art piece.  Jen is always taking pictures of tablefuls of cheese.  Why not build an artistic installation of cheese? (Please don't eat the art, Jen!)
The market, complete with bunting.  Several of the building would convert their Mon-Fri day business into a cafe.  For example, we saw the plumbing supply store with toilets moved to the side in place of cafe tables and a wine bar.

It started raining just as we found our lunch spot.  A tapas place that has cured meat o'plenty.  Mr. Dibley somehow made it into our bags for another road trip.
Our next art installation piece for our house will be hanging pig rumps.
Mr. Dibley instructing the chef on how to cut up our meat.  The Spanish chef spoke little English so fortunately Mr. Dibley's over-coaching was lost on him.
"I love your dried meat", she said.
May Day!  Jen loves these little horns.  This art installation could actually happen.
Jen thought this ferret arched his back too much and had a mean face.  He gave off an air of superiority, so he didn't come home with us.
 Wish we could have plucked these umbrellas down during the strongest part of the rain.
But the rain didn't hinder us having a lovely market experience at Bermondsey.

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