Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A wee bit of golf in Scotland ...

Mike and I were able to get out and golf on Monday and Wednesday.  Golfing in Scotland.  There you go.
On Monday we golfed at the Skye Golf Course.  They opened at 9:00am but we were worried that we wouldn't get to fit everything we wanted to do if we started that late.  We talked to the woman running the club and she said she would leave out rental clubs and we could start whenever we wanted before they officially opened.  I love that the woman wouldn't consider taking my credit card and completely trusted that we would not run off with the clubs.

As for the golf, let's just say that we suck.  But who cares!  Golfing in Scotland!  And we ended our day with a wee bit of scotch.


Wednesday we golfed at Tobermoray Golf Club.  This is the best course.  I mean, this could be the best course I've ever played.  It's not the best manicured grass.  It doesn't have a great club house.  But for sheer fun, quirkiness, challenge, location and aesthetic beauty this is it.
Here is some more detail on why I love this course.  
Gordon, the groundskeeper, saw us at the club house and gave us a bit of a tour.  When we said we needed rental clubs he told us we needed to go to Brown's hardware in town.  The hardware store was the place to rent clubs!  How great is that?  But before we went down town he said he'd check the locker room.  He began to pull out mixed clubs and even found one of his old sets he said we could use.  Again, in Massachusetts you'd be given the high hat and sent on your way.
As for the course.... To get to the sixth hole you basically have to scale a hill the steepness of K2.  Once there, and you caught your breath, the views were spectacular.  You looked across to see the green far off in the distance.  In between you and the green you had to repel down a hill and then scale back up the other one.  The hills on this course were unreal.  Just what you'd expect out of Scotland.

But I fear I've lost everyone who reads our blog.  Not a golfer in the group.


didi said...

Glad you are having fun after that trecherous driving the other day, Bill!

chi said...

the golf sounds like a big yawn but the scaling, climbing, and rappelling have me intrigued! You guys sound ready to take on Ben Nevis! But don't take Jen ---it would bring her Fitbit count WAY up! :-)