Sunday, March 31, 2013

In Bruges

These are views from our hotel in Bruges.  This is a fantastic city.  It is exactly the type of European city we were hoping to find on our adventure.

After a morning blog we hit the streets to take in the sites.

We had strong Belgium beer at lunch (7% alcohol).  Jen combined the beer with some mystery decongestant pills she bought from the apothecary on the high street.  I love that Jen threw caution to the Belgium wind to take unidentified pills on the word of a Bruges-ian who spoke broken English.
Later in the day, Jen shopped and I went to a cigar bar.  The cigar bar in Bruges packed us smokers in a little glass room.  On the left of me was a young couple enjoying lattes and cigarettes.  On the right was the dude above drinking coffee and smoking his pipe while his mother worked on a sudoku.  I love the menagerie that the cigar bar brings together.

This shop sold headdresses, which Jen had to try out.  There was a bunch of them in the shop, which makes you wonder about the market demand. If they didn't cost 200 euro a pop I would have bought one for Mother Entwistle.
The picture to the right is me skewing our frog leg appetizer at lunch.  Yes, they tasted like chicken.  No, they are not worth the effort of eating around the little bones.

Beautiful Bruges

Vomit on a side road.  No, it was not us.  The UK has pre pared us well for the strong Belgian beer.
Jen was very excited to be in the land of waffles!


didi said...

I can not believe there was no mention of the chocolate shop!

amp said...

Not to mention waffles with whipped cream but not a strawberry in sight!