Sunday, March 17, 2013

Country Living

We are finally at our Gunton weekend - - this was the trip we had to postpone last January when the UK got it's "big" snow storm.  By this weekend my expectations were pretty high and I'm very happy to say that I was not disappointed.
We arrived Friday night and were shown into our room with fabric wall and a view of the deer park.  We brought our wellies for a nice long country walk and were told not to go directly into the park because the game keeper was hunting.  We had to keep to the perimeter path.  This was on Saturday and it was rainy and windy so we weren't out that long anyway but we did see some of the residents.  This is not a place for vegetarians since your neighbors are on the dinner menu.

This is the fireplace in the dinning room where they cook the meat.  
Breakfast was delicious and we lingered over the newspapers first in the breakfast room...
And then in the public sitting room off the bar for quite a long time Saturday morning.   (There are two more room just for inn guests.) My vision of Gunton had been to just sit and read books all day in front of the fire but I did have a brief moment of anxiety that we really ought to see something of the area since we drove all the way out here so we did do a drive in the rain to the coast.  But it didn't take long to realize that the fires of Gunton were calling our names.   We may never leave again.


didi said...

Love the house & fireplaces, don't think I'd like eating there.

Fletch said...

OK. I am now officially bored with the UK. How many castles, pubs, and overcast sky days can one couple stand? They all look the same from here.
I know I can speak on behalf of the other 3 people who read this blog and say that we here in the US of A count on your daily updates to rescue us from the boredom that is our own lives. That being said, can you please go visit some other countries? Bill's work trips don't count because Jen is not there and frankly Bill's content is not up the level produced by Jen. On second thought, can we just send Jen to some different countries? I am going to suggest Spain, France, or Italy.

I'm just saying...

Jen and Bill said...

Fletch has become the Scrooge of our blog.

Fletch said...

Hate the game, not the player.

didi said...

Maybe it Fletch were more witty with his comments, he would enjoy the blog more (got your back, Bill!!!)