Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Random Edinburgh

More from my Edinburgh weekend.  Obligatory castle photo and snow falling on Dean Village.  It was blizzardy when I left on Sunday and it looked amazing but I was in a very early cab to the train and didn't get a chance to take any pictures.

I saw this woman on the Britannia tour and had to take a picture for my mother - - does this remind you of anyone???  

 Nothing makes me happier than a good used bookshop.  Unfortunately most of them are closed here on Sundays but Armchair Books was open for a browse.
I had a really fabulous time in a hat shop in the Grassmarket.  What do you think of the new blue chapeau? I bought  two others that will have to make blog appearances soon. The woman in the shop made most of the hats herself and had a picture of Charles buying one of her hats for Camilla right there in the shop.  I shop where Camilla shops!  We share haberdashers!!!


Mom said...

It sure does! At least the boots are better than the ones Bill usually gives me.

Amie said...

LOVE your hat - can't wait to see the other ones.