Monday, April 1, 2013

Legs and Eggs

Happy Easter from Bruges!!  
Saturday we wandered into a big market area of stalls with everything from leather wallets to grannie panties.  We especially liked the hosiery stalls with the colorful legs swinging in the breeze.
I decided to break my 3 year candy ban with some Belgian chocolate for Easter.   There must be at least 100 chocolatiers in the streets surrounding the market square.  Some streets had 3 or 4 chocolate shops in a row (then a beer store, then a lace store, then 4 more chocolate shops...)  We settled on the shop that was promoting it's connection to Rick Steves  since everyone love Rick Steves.  

Easter Eve is a big day for the chocolate shops but our server was very patient with our shenanigans.  We ended up with a mixed box of milk(Bill) and white (Jen)  chocolate with caramel centers. 
Note to Diane:  We only bought the G-rated chocolates!  :-)

We are up before dawn to head home - a holiday for Bill but a work day for Jen.  But don't worry, we will have plenty more Bruges in this week's posts.

1 comment:

amp said...

Not even PG-13 in the chocolate department, huh?