Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Rule Britannia

Andrea had a prior obligation on Sunday so I was on my own for the day.  I decided to start it at The Royal Yacht Britannia.  To get there, I needed to take the 22 bus from the city center to Leith.  I was all excited to ride on the upper level.  Unfortunately I got on going in the wrong direction.  Maybe that was why the bus was empty.
 Suddenly I was out of town and looking at snowy mountains when I wanted to be headed towards the water. So I had to get off and catch the 22 going in the opposite direction.  It didn't take long before I was back on track.
While I was excited to see the royal yacht, I was also itching to go shopping so there was no dilly dallying on this tour.  Bill (who tends to not like these kind of things) would have been very proud of my Speed Touring.  In general my policy was that if Betty didn't spend time there (laundry room, engine room, etc) then I didn't need to either.

This bell was on the deck where the family would sunbathe, Philip would set up and easel and paint.  There was build in wall bar just inside the door so I suspect this is where everyone met up at gin o'clock.
Silver pantry
They actually rent the formal dining room out now for events.  For some reason that seems particularly sad that a room where the Queen once wined and dined dignitaries is available for weddings and bar mitzvahs like a Holiday Inn.  
They said it takes 3 hours just to set the table the way we  saw it because they have to measure the distance between every piece in the place settings.  Are you picturing Mr. Carson with his ruler?
The original plans for the living room area were dismissed as being too formal and opulent,  Betty wanted a country home feel where she could chill out after a long day of reigning. In the play I went to the other night Betty/Helen says that sailing on the Britannia was the one place she could really relax and get away from everything.  It was sad to learn that she was made to give it up as a cost savings gesture during a time when the Royals were not in favor. (I know - I'm feeling sorry for one of the richest women in the world because she had to give up her yacht.  But to me, she's just my good pal Betty....)
For some reason the sick bay interested me.  It was quite kitted out.  I guess with hundreds of people on board they needed to be prepared for illness and accidents.  
I know I said that I was only going where Betty spent time so before you say anything, I don't think she actually spent time in the crews bunk room (although I did just picture her cleaning up in a game of poker on the top bunk....)  I just was interested in seeing how the crew lived below.  The upstairs bedrooms were actually pretty plan but they were palatial by comparison.
Betty liked to travel with her own car.  I assume this is like what happens when I pack for a trip - if you have the room you start to be bring a lot of stuff you don't really need.
An hour later I was back on the 22 with my take-away cheese and mushroom toastie, ready for my next adventure of the day.

1 comment:

didi said...

I'm thinking she should have a closet like Goldie Hawn had in Overboard!