Monday, March 4, 2013

A Taste of Burford

Bill's teaser yesterday sounds much more intriguing than the reality.  Bill's theory is that the old man in the room next to us fell out of bed.  I heard him crying out like he was having a bad dream.   We saw him arrive at the b&b with a canister of oxygen - I was hoping he wasn't having some sort of attack but he settled down after a few minutes and we eventually went back to sleep.  Fortunately losing a little sleep didn't taint our idyllic weekend in Burford, a medieval market village on the edge of the Cotswolds.  Gorgeous, no?

We found the prefect shop for both of us - The Madhatter Bookshop that sold both books for me and hats for Bill.  Bill found a fedora and a cap that suited his noggin while I picked up a few novels.

Dinner at the Lamb.   We decided to go for the tasting menu.  When the first little dollop of food arrives you wonder if you will go home hungry but by the time the last dollop arrives - 3 hours later you wonder how you will fit through the door!  We started with a butternut soup served in a glass container that looked like votive candle holders - then on to little portions of scallops, ox tongue pastrami, beef with mushrooms, raspberry couli, an assortment of cheeses with matching jellies and white chocolate cheese cake....each course was delicious.  
I couldn't take my eyes off this painting of the hounds.  I think this needs to be Bill's next masterpiece.
After dinner we moved to the bar area to sit in front of the fire.  They brought us a few little sweet treats to go with my tea.  We weren't sure what to make of the little green squares of gelatin - seemed like an odd choice but they turned out to be minutes of fun!


chi said...

I would have to share that I was hoping for much more regarding the interupted night's sleep from the gentleman next door! No more false leads please!

amp said...

What WERE the green dollops? Gum drops?

Jen and Bill said...

I think they were little jello squares but slightly more substantial. Knox Blocks? They didn't have much flavor but they were fun to play with.

didi said...

Christin and I would love it if Bill started a series of dog paintings!