Friday, March 29, 2013

M and Q bond on stage in London

What would happen if the real life inspiration for Alice in Wonderland met the real life inspiration for Peter Pan?  Judi Dench (Alice) and Ben Whishaw (Peter) meet in the back room before some sort of speaking event (the set you see behind us) and then, as they each tell their stories we drift into Neverland and down the rabbit hole.
We bought the tickets so long ago that I forgot we were in the second row.  As Bill said when we were leaving, "If we were in the back row we wouldn't have see all that acting!"  We saw the spittle fly as the actors annunciated.  We saw Ben's teary eyes and each line on Judi's face.  Of course we couldn't take any pics until the final bows and most of those came out a bit blurry - these are the best of the lot.

Christin - this one's for you know who played the storybook Alice??  (You won't from my crap picture so I'll have to tell you)  That's Ruby Bentall also known as Minnie from Larkrise!!! Next to her is Nicholas Farrell from many British shows and movies but I always remember him from Chariots of Fire. 
Unfortunately I'm battling a head cold so hopefully they were not backstage last night talking about the girl with the runny nose in the second row.  This was a quiet, talky play without a lot of opportunities for discreet nose blowing.  


chi said...

MINNIE!!! And Freddie!!! what a great night! Will you tell us the plot at NPPS?
This is so so so cool!

Amie said...

How fun for you! Another head cold :(

chi said...

Hey! what are you guys doing for your 13th?