Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Never too old to get a package from Mom

I received a care package from my Mom today.  The first time she shipped me a package it cost a lot and it was stuff I could have picked up from her when I went home.  Then she shipped me newspaper articles but it was stuff I had read on the internet weeks before.  But this time she got it just right.  The package included articles on my high school, Danvers, winning big hockey and basketball playoff games.  She included articles on the kids high school, Ipswich, and their sports teams.  There were articles on the damage the recent storms have done to Plum Island.  Mom even included an article on recent tax changes, some political cartoons and several crossword puzzles.
She hit a home run this package, but the aforementioned enclosures pale in comparison to my note telling me how much my Mom misses us.