Monday, March 25, 2013

London Sunday

Back on the train Sunday morning with our tea. Grey and raw weather - a good day for a matinee.  We have finally learned that you have to book movies in advance so we have tickets to see The Paperboy.
Brunch on Brick Lane in a french restaurant that I read about on one of my regular blogs.  It took me a minute to figure out that this yellow thing on the wall in the bathroom was soap!

Lots to look at in this little space.  Beautiful tiles on the wall behind the bar, fake birds in cages around the lights, many people speaking french...and the food was delicious but we decided not to post a picture of it. 

The movie theater in Shoreditch is also a gallery, a cafe and live music venue.  On Sunday they had a space for people to doodle on the walls.  Bill doodled a picture of Diane and the monkeys sitting under an apple tree.

Homeward bound....already looking forward to next weekend....

1 comment:

Denise said...

Beautiful picture of the two of you!