Sunday, March 3, 2013

Burford by way of Oxford

Saturday's adventure in the UK brought us back to the Cotswolds.  We drove to Oxford, on our way to Burford.  Burford was recommended by a bloke at work.  We thought it sounded like a name for a town on Mayberry, RFD, but we're always keen for a recommendation.
We'll give you a taste of our day in Oxford in this blog, Burford in tomorrows.

Lunch at a good old English Pub.  The guys sitting at the table are wearing different versions of Russian military hats, whatever that means.

Jennie taking a picture of me taking a picture in The Kings Arms pub in Oxford.

Jennifer mistakenly thinks this picture of a chubby, balding Bill is "cute".  She's wrong.

The student body at Oxford protests the treatment of animals.  We mulled it over while eating a bacon burger.

We stopped off at the Ashmolean Museum in the heart of Oxford.  It had a surprisingly good painting inventory.  There was a nice room filled with Pissaro's (both Camille and his oldest son, Lucien).  We also discovered Walter Sickert (his is the first painting you see here.  His Wikipedia entry says he liked prostitutes and sexually explicit scenes.  Good for him.
 In what is bound to become a series, this is a picture of me taking a picture of a student.
Burford in tomorrow's blog.  We'll tease it by telling you we were woken up with a loud thud and an old man groaning.

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