Friday, March 22, 2013

Hard at Work or Hardly Working?

Here is a game for our readers....they say "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have."  What job do you think Bill is going for??
Didi - notice the calendar over his shoulder?  There is a picture of one of our nights out.  Bill seems to have gotten the office with the post in it (= undesirable?) but at least he got a window.  He's tried to make the office his own with a nice framed bug on the wall.  Do you think the UK knew what they were getting when they imported this executive?


Mom said...

I think he's still going for Pope -- note the red shoes.

amp said...

I like the drop ceiling, too. Watch your head, Bill!

Fletch said...

I'm going to guess that most people in his office must believe Bill is colorblind.