Sunday, March 24, 2013

Our Day with Chris

We spent Saturday with Chris in London.  It was a cold snowy day so we met at the John Soanes museum.  (The irony of that statement is that we were late and Chris had to wait in line in the snow.  When we arrived we were already branded by his fellow line mates as the inconsiderate Americans...)
Anyway, Soanes was an architect and a collector.  The museum is his house filled with art and antiquities.  No photos allowed so I have no idea how we got these two....
Lunch at The Queen's Larder.  I was appropriately dressed in the Queen's sweater - I knew Chris would appreciate  my Petey-wear.
Next stop - the British Museum.  We just hit a few highlights - the Elgin Marbles, the Lewis Chessmen, the Rosetta Stone.  Photos were allowed although we only took them of ourselves.
 It was sad to say goodbye to Chris on the Picadilly line.  Bill and I drowned our sorrows in meat and cheese at one of our favorites in Soho - - I'm really not that into eating meat but we seem to keep going to places that are really keen on connecting the food on your plate with it's animal origin.  (Note the leg of beast in the last photo - hoof and all!)

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