Friday, March 8, 2013

Bangalorean hugging

I said goodbye to my new friends in the Bangalore office.  We ate and drank at a Skybar.  I was able to recruit a new cigar smoker.  My motto at work is "Bringing down people to my level since 1999."
I love the shoes.  Two of our team would not be let into the Skybar because they had sandals (I thought sandals were required in India).  So they ran across the street and bought these babies.

 It doesn't matter what your culture, drunk is drunk.
I'm apparently having a great time, but my new friends seem bored with me.  Awkward moment when Visanthi left.  I gave her a hug.  She gave me back nothing.  It was hugging an ironing board.  Of course i immediately felt like I broke a rule.  But I got over it by ordering some Glenfiddich.  I hugged the guys later and was rewarded with requited hugs.

(There is a picture in this post of the place where I bought Jen some Indian bounty.  Hint:  I didn't buy her a drunk Indian Software Sales Rep)

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