Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bill has opinions on swans and sports

I know I posted similar shots of the castle from the Long Walk but I was so excited just to GET to the Long Walk yesterday that I snapped another.  This was my vision all along - to walk every day and see the castle before work but until now I didn't feel mobile enough to get there.  There is that famous third tree on the right....
 In my meanderings yesterday I also found the Windsor Library and got a card!  I can't use it for everything yet because I had no ID that showed my address.  So this weekend we need to get to the bank and have Bill add my name to the bank account so that I can get a bank statement with my name and address on it and actually be a Windsor (Eton) resident.
It's unfortunate that the card highlight swans as Bill has been very vocal about his dislike of the bird.  I admit that they are dirty scavengers with nasty poo but I don't mind them.  He's also been very opinionated about the Olympics stating that gymnastics are not a sport because it requires judging.  It's really a silly conversation but one that keeps coming up so I'm going to ask our readers - - is gymnastics a sport?  Can a sport be something judged or does it have to be a race/game with clear winners and losers based on rules? 


Anonymous said...

All sports rqu judges - they are called refs and umpires and the judgments they make on the rules often decide who wins or loses. If you think otherwise consider yesterday's men's beach volleyball where the replay shows that a player touched the bll twice, the other team saw that, stopped playing and then lost the point when the ump failed to call the violation. Big row ensued. NFL replay? All sports have judges who matter.

Mom said...

Aren't judgments made in any sport? That's what the refs are for -- to make the tough calls. Just sayin'. Also, I thought the flat had two bedrooms? How about a look at the second one.

Jen and Bill said...

I would expect the sports-atheist Entwistle family to respond that way. You wouldn't know a fair ball from a fair catch.
It's one thing to have a referee or umpire influence a game. It is another to have your match totally determined by it. By the way, Jen and Andy think their made-up childhood game, "Either you win or you lose", is a sport.

Jennifer said...

Ok, for the record, we made up a game show called Either You Win or You Don't and it did not require judging so perhaps it would be considered a sport. Meanwhile, it looks like the readership is swaying in my favor so consider yourself judged.

didi said...

Why is Bill anti-Swan and anti-Dolphin? Does he only have eyes for Monkeys?

didi said...

In my book, sports require competition, skill, muscles and sweat. Judging is a non issue. Skating, swimming, running are all sports. I'll even say bowling is a sport. Chess is a game. Fishing is a hobby. And the Indy 500 is boring.

Jen and Bill said...

About the swans...they are really only one step above the pigeons here. They sell swan food by the river so the swans all gather and beg the tourists and constantly poo and shed feathers. So in Bill's defense, they are basically dirty beggars.

I like your sports assessment, Di! Bill continues to believe that there is some sort of Entwistle sports conspiracy in the works. I just told him that if anyone understands judging, it's the Entwistles!!