Sunday, August 26, 2012

Camden Market and Boston Girls

Today's London journey brought me to Camden Market. 
Before i got there I saw this couple on the train.  They are wearing matching bracelets and watches, apparently demonstrating their love of Comicon, or something ilke that.  Ah, nothing like Nerds in love.
Also on the way to Camden Market I met Marmaduke here... He intimidated me while I was buying a tea.

Inside Camden Market was a circus.  Many of the shops catered to the twenty something fringe. There was something for the young goths, the young punks, the young rock-a-billys and the young fantasy game players.  I managed to find something for myself in a shop called "A Dandy in Aspic".  Mother Entwistle could probably help me out with what that means.

  I tried to capture the fact that it was pouring buckets all day.  My little flowery Jack Wills umbrella worked overtime.

I was a little weary and wet so found a covered spot outside to have a delicious Belgian pint and a cigar.  (Getting more monotonous than the Sink-Series, I imagine)

Meanwhile, back in the states, Laura, Christin and I went into Boston for dinner and a movie (Celeste and Jesse Forever).  Everyone was so in love with their meal we had to pose with them

When we got to the theater I was reminded what TRUE LOVE is....there was a poster for a release of Raiders of the Lost Ark - coming soon to a theater near me!!!!  It's not surprising that they would rerelease the best movie ever made - what is more surprising is that it hasn't been playing in movie theaters every day since 1981.  It's only a matter of time before I'm in a dark theater for the 24th time saying the lines along with Indy and Marion (yes, this is how I learned to speak Nepalese)
 "...I was a child, I was in love - it was wrong and you knew it!"
"You knew what you were doing"
"Now I do. This is my place.  Get out....Mohan, tayme garu!!  Boulianoo!!"


didi said...

See ya tomorrow, Indiana Jones!

Mom said...

A Dandy in Aspic -- old British spy movie. Haven't seen it myself.