Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pandering to Fletch...and Mummy

Bill is missing his buddy Fletch.  I noticed that Fletch hasn't commented on the blog in a while.  So to bring Fletch back into our lives we pretended he sitting with us at the Henry VI pub (yes - only VI...not the VIII) watching Olympic footie with the locals.  Fletch would have enjoyed the bitter, the conversation, the husky puppy that came in with his owner.  If only Fletch were here.
 Here we are trying to rally, but Bill is silently singing "Can't Smile Without Fletch"
 Was it a full moon last night?  This isn't a very good shot but we tried to capture the moon over the castle.  On the street we ran into a little parade - turned out to be from Detroit.  Not sure why a high school band from Detroit is parading down Windsor High Street at 10:00 PM.  We assumed it had something to do with the Olympics because there were also projecting Olympic images on to one of the castle turrets but we couldn't get a good shot of it.  Speaking of the Olympics, I enjoyed this little news video this morning of the Mayor of London getting stuck on a zip line:
 And now for Mummy's request - - the guest room done up in Union Jack bedding from Jack Wills.  England welcomes visitors on Brocas Terrace!!


Mom said...

Love the Union Jack bedding . . . and the pictures on Facebook.

Fletch said...

Thank you for thinking of me. It's nice to know that even though you are gone, I am not forgotten. I am frequently called out by my co-workers when they spot me wearing my "I love Bill Mackay" T-shirt and matching hat. Sometimes it's hard for them to find me however because I am usually in the fetal position under my desk crying due to missing you so much. Counting the days until Jen gets back and happens to drag you along.