Sunday, August 26, 2012

Third Tree on the Right: The Loneliest Tree on the Long Walk

Sunday roast at The Three Tuns on a gorgeous day in Windsor.
I think I've gained fifteen pounds in the few months I've been here.

My lunch mate today was Risaku.  She's a student from Japan here on a three week exchange.  
She plopped herself at my table half way through my meal.  I admire someone who has the confidence to chat up a stranger while in a strange country.
You can't see all her meal but she ordered a veggie plate.  As is the way in England her veggie plate was loaded with carbs and fried ... well, fried everything.

 After lunch I read next to the third tree on the right.  It wasn't the same tree without Jennie.

1 comment:

Fletch said...

I believe she might have been drawn to your combination purple sweater and blue paisley shirt. She obviously mistook you for a native.