Monday, August 13, 2012

Mini Break - Part 2

Breakfast at the b&b.  Bill brought his iPad so we could figure out the day's destinations. Next stop - Stow-on-the-Wold.  I love these names with hyphens.
 Very cute and excellent shopping!  

We had a lovely morning chatting with shop keepers and spending money.  Then it was off to Chipping Norton for lunch.  I also love all the names with "Chipping" - mostly because it sounds so cute but also because it means 'market' which means more good shopping.  Notice the man in the red sweater behind Bill - Bill started chatting him up and he wound up joining us for about a half an hour, telling us about his career, his exwife (insane), his knee operation (showed us the scar).  It was very pleasant but then I started to get antsy to get back on the road.
 We were in Stratford-upon-Avn approximately 30 minutes - - that was as long as it took for us to park, find a bathroom and realize that we were in too much of a tourist town.  The place was packed and was milking the Shakespeare association too much.  I managed to get some shots of some tudor buildings that did not have a nail salon or a phone store built into the old structure.  

 Good bye Stratford - hello Cheltenham.  Not bad for last minute accommodations, huh?  Bill agrees!!

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