Tuesday, August 21, 2012

An Eton Haircut

This update will only interest my wife (and maybe my Mother-in-law...she's seems fascinated by the mundane pictures of our house).

The Eton landscape team was busy at work chopping down our beautiful fields.  Instead of the gorgeous wispy sea grass we now have hacked up wheat.  It's like when Britney spears cut her own hair.
And Jennie has been asking for photos of our new rocks.  I kept telling her that it's not much to see but she wanted to see the difference between the black plastic sheet and the off-white rocks.  (If this qualifies as a good post, how the hell is the sink series not better received?!)

A beautiful sunset ruined by the Britney-chopped grass.


Mom said...

I just love pictures of houses -- and what's better than British houses?

didi said...

I'm with Mother Entwistle - love the photos of the house and scenery.