Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Monday Night in Eton

This is the sun set from the backyard.  Gorgeous.  Doesn't that beauty just make you want to build furniture? 
 Voila!  Out of a flat box of wooden boards and screws he has created this beautiful bedside table.  Who said Bill isn't handy?  (ok, that was me - but now I take it back)
 Another shot looking at the back of the house.  It looked very warm and cozy last night when the temp outside was dropping.  I woke up this morning to a real English day - rainy, grey, chilly.  I'm probably the only one happy about it.  All I want to do is drink tea and read my book until I have to start my work day.  

1 comment:

Andrea O said...

Gorgeous! And there are antennas (antennae?)!