Saturday, August 18, 2012

Shoreditch, Portrait Museum and the Ritz

Today's adventures in the UK brought me to Shoreditch.  I am scouting places in London for Jennie and I, weeding out the places she probably won't take to.
Shoreditch is being put low on the list for her to visit.  It's totally hit or miss.  It's a ragged part of the city, but if you cherry-pick you can find some gems.
My first stop was lunch at Lounge Lovers.  It's an ultra-hip spot that teeters on trying too hard. I enjoyed the hippo on the wall and my waitress with the sleeve tattoo who was wearing only a see through silk shirt and heels.

I walked a bit and found this Museum of Homes or something like that.  I thought Jen would like the tea pot and cup sculpture on the front lawn.

 I eventually made my way out of Shoreditch and went to more familiar territory.  I stopped at Covent Gardens and went into my favorite art museum of all time, The National Portrait Gallery.  Any time I'm near there I pop in and see something new or something I don't tire of.

This is a pencil sketch of J.K. Rawlings I thought was cool.  The entire sketch pad was framed.

My iPhone pointed out a cigar bar I have not hit yet.  With opportunity knocking I went into the Ritz.  They immediately slowed me down and had to find a supervisor to approve my Red Sox hat  and Chuck Taylor sneakers as appropriate Ritz attire.  Since the cigar area was at the far end and basement of the hotel I was whisked quickly past the pretty people and down to my dungeon nirvana.

A score in Shoreditch.  Queen's head on cufflinks.  Subtle enough to make it past my new dress code, but funky enough to make me smile.

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