Wednesday, August 8, 2012

House Tour Continued

Tuesday was your basic work day - get up, putter around, work, putter around some more and go to bed.  It's on days like these that we started the sink series and posting shots of us in our pjs.  Fortunately there are just a few more house shots that I can get away with before I'm repeating myself so here they are.....

This is from the doorway of the master bedroom.  To the right is the bathroom.  They really use every bit of space here.  We've got a big storage area over the stairs but of course I can only reach the very front of the first shelf and that's while leaning far forward from the top step.  I'm not sure how anyone actually stores something there. 
 This is the downstairs bathroom under the stairs.  Teeny tiny.   Barely enough room to get your hands under the faucet in that mini sink.  Still, it's great to have a downstairs lav.
 We haven't quite figured out what to do with the sun room yet.  We use it to dry clothes (see rack on far right) but we don't tend to sit out here.  When it's sunny, it really heats up and its too bright to see the laptop screen.  Maybe with the right chair it would be a good place to read in the shade on a sunny day.
I think that is officially the house tour...unless of course we don't take any pictures on Wednesday and need to start posting pictures of inside the kitchen cabinets or something.  

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