Friday, August 24, 2012

NPPS takes to the streets

I was afraid I would slow the girls down today since I still can't walk at my usual pace (is there anyone who has't heard about my sciatica?  If you want an hour long description of leg pain, feel free to call me!) but they agreed to a lovely stroll.  
Bill called in the middle - tipsy and ready for bed after a game of golf and some pints with his work mates. It's so good to hear that he is making friends and not drinking alone or with the Fox Feeder.  
Christin is worried that Bill isn't missing Fletch enough but I'm sure he is.  I'm missing Fletch's witty and insightful blog comments but I know I'm not giving you much to work with here. I'll see what I can come up with to entice you over the weekend!


Fletch said...

I enjoyed the soccer pictures of Bill. I can see he is one pint away from official "hooligan" status. I suppose If I were forced to watch "football" for 90 minutes with all the flopping and lack of scoring, I would probably turn into a hooligan also. Please try not to create an international incident while over there representing our country.

Fletch said...

PS Yes Christin, I am equally concerned Bill isn't missing me enough. Perhaps all the racy pictures of Prince Harry have him distracted...