Sunday, August 19, 2012

My morning ride in a Lotus

After a lovely dog walk through the backyard of Eton University, Louise and I drove the Morgan to her brother Paul's house in Bracknell.  I rode with Paul through the formerly quiet roads of England's countryside.  I say formerly because this car tore it up.  There was one stretch where Paul stopped conversation so as to fully concentrate on the winding road.  It was amazing to take corners at speeds I have yet to hit, nor will ever hit, with my Mini.

We stopped at a great pub, whereabouts unknown, to knock back a pint.  On the ride back Paul asked if I'd like to drive his car and I embarrassed myself with how quickly I said "Hell, no".  I would break the car by driving in second gear at speeds the car would yawn and doze off at.
Paul, like his sister, is wonderful.  He's an HR guy, too.
And he gave me these eggs from his chickens.

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