Monday, August 6, 2012


As you can see from the sign behind me, we spent Sunday at Brighton.  That is the pier but the shot doesn't include the amusement park rides on the end of it.  One of them is a long arm with seats on either end that go around and hold you high over the water...Bill and I were both sick just looking at it.
 Brighton has a lot of different facets - besides the Revere Beach-type strip area there is a section of the old town called The Lanes that is filled with shops and pubs with sidewalk seats.   First stop was lunch were we shared the Sunday Roast.
 We had a guitarist next to us...this is one of the wider Lanes in this little area but gives you some idea of the look and the activity.  
 Back to the beach...if you can call it a beach since there wasn't an ounce of sand.  Instead, the shore is covered in smooth stones.  They didn't look very comfortable but plenty of people were out lying on them.   Of course, you could rent those striped beach chairs for 2 pounds (which I thought was a pretty good deal) but Bill and I still had ground to cover. 
 Brighton is also home to the Royal Pavilion built in the early 1800's by King George IV for all his royal parties. Looks like you could get up to a lot of shenanigans in that place. Unfortunately we were too late to go in but I'm sure we will be invited to some royal shindig at some point over the next 2 years and we'll get some interior shots then.


Andrea said...

I've been reading a great series of mysteries set in Brighton. The author is Peter James and his detective is Roy Grace. Check them out -- they're entertaining and well-written. Start with "Dead Simple."
Do you have TV?

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the book tip!! Meanwhile...we do not have TV yet. We got the co-axel (sp?) cable and we have an antenna but we just get fuzz. We were told that the TV shop down the street might send someone down to take a look but we were out and about all weekend and didn't get around to it.

chi said...

Peter James was just interviewed on NPR today - and his "partner" who comes up with case ideas for him. it was a great interview!